Copyright License Agreement

Note that a royalty is not the same as copyright. The latter is the price a person pays to purchase a copyright license from the author of the work. Another type of copyright license applies only to open source software or a computer program that allows everyone to use, modify or distribute the software. An example of an open source program is the Mozilla Firefox web browser, which allows contributors to add new software features through plugins and code changes. PandaTip: Here you want to describe the geographical area in which the license is valid. It is a good idea for a copyright owner to register a copyright before entering into a licensing agreement. II. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. The user is the sole owner of the work and all property rights over and over the work; However, this property does not include copyright ownership over and over property or other property rights that are not expressly granted in this agreement. If you own a copyrighted work, z.B a book, article, play or song, you have the right to decide if and how someone else can use it. Permission to do so is called licensing, which is a written contract that gives the user the right to use the work, usually for payment. Many licensing agreements contain royalty information or a percentage of the income generated by the use of a copyrighted work. For example, an author grants a publisher a license to publish, distribute and sell his book in exchange for regular royalties, calculated as a percentage of total sales.

Did you know that you can assign or transfer your copyright to someone? Find out what information should be included in your agreement and how you can ensure that your interests are protected. A copyright license cannot be exclusive or exclusive, also known as limited or unlimited. When an exclusive license is granted, the licensee or person receiving an authorization is the only organization entitled to use the copyrighted work for the duration of the license agreement. With a non-exclusive license, other individuals or companies may also have the right to use the plant at the same time.