What Is The Quebec Agreement

May I ask the Prime Minister if it was not a fact that it was better to keep knowledge of this matter in the hands of a small number of people and that the war cabinet was informed that there had been discussions and agreements with the 962nd government of the United States on this, but that they were not, indeed. to know more about the details, or what the agreement was, but simply that an agreement had been reached, and the case rested there? The immediate problem at the time was the extent of the nuclear partnership with Britain during the war. The British were instrumental in the establishment of a large-scale nuclear bomb program, but in 1942, when the Manhattan Project launched the Americans, trade with their war allies was very limited. Prime Minister Winston Churchill insisted on a full exchange and took advantage of the situation to put forward his own ideas on the post-war atom. Churchill feared what he called the “threat from the East,” a reference to the Soviet Union, the third of the “great three” allies in the fight against Nazi Germany. “If the Americans and the British don`t work together,” he told Bush, “Germany or Russia could win the race for an arm they could use to blackmail internationally.” Churchill envisioned an Anglo-American nuclear monopoly that would not only win the war, but would also ensure post-war peace. In the Quebec Agreement of August 1943, which renewed “complete and effective” exchanges between Great Britain and the United States, the two nations agreed not to use the bomb against either or against a third party without mutual consent. In addition, neither nation would pass on information about the bomb to third parties without mutual consent. On September 18, 1944, Hyde Park Aide-moire, Churchill and Roosevelt agreed that the bomb should be kept in “greatest secrecy” and that “full cooperation” between the two nations in the military and commercial development of the atom should continue after the war. Any proposal to inform the world of the bomb as a preliminary to an international agreement on its control and use was “not accepted”, “was not accepted in the agreement”. The agreement I signed in Quebec in 1943 with President Roosevelt covered an extremely secret matter, essential to our war efforts.