Spanish Adjective Agreement Exercises

On the other hand, when women describe names like CASA (house), we should use a female adjective like BONITA (nice) or ESPACIOSA (spacious) and not a male like BONITO or ESPACIOSO. In addition, Spanish female adjectives are the same words with a slight change at the end of -O to -A, z.B. “Bueno” to “Buena”. Some Spanish adjectives used to describe male and female names are: Amable (art), Difécil (difficult), Fecil (light), Flexible, Paciente (patient), Green (green). Even most numbers, with the exception of number one, which will change at the UN if used in front of a male name, and at one in front of a female name, z.B ” A amigo” and “Una amiga” 6. Handout – Simple verification of the Spanish adjective agreement – a one-page hand that brings together the grammatical structure of the adjective agreement. Some examples of common Spanish male adjectives are: Afortunado (chance), Alto (top), Bajo (short), Bueno (well), Estupendo (awesome), Famoso (famous), Malo (bad) and Pequeo (small) Congratulations – You concluded grammatical quiz: Spanish Adjektive Gender Convention. As mentioned above, Spanish adjectives generally have a singular shape and a plural form. The rules are exactly the same ones that are used to form the plural of names. To illustrate this, for a phrase like “She`s a beautiful model,” we would say “Ella`s una modelo hermosa,” but for many models we have to say “Ellas sounds without hermosas mode.” Note that all words, including the pronous subject and the verb SER, will change, so that there is an adjective agreement of Spanish Noun and that the sentence is judicious. Some adjectives are used for both sexes despite their end, especially those that end in -E or consonants, for example: “an interesting libro,” “a fecal examination,” “a chicota/una chica optimista.” 4. Presentation – Adjective Agreement – Great presentation that explains adjectives, where they are placed in a sentence and how they correspond to the nouns. Most adjectives must correspond in sex to the nameinus they change.

In the description of a male name such as “Amigo,” we must use a male adjective such as “Honesto.” As with substantives, Spanish male adjectives usually end in vowels -O like “Bonito” and “Creativo,” z.B.